May 1GAM entry: Growth

Another month has passed and another game sees the light of day. For the May game, I decided to follow the optional theme again (which was "GROW"). I had so many ideas, but most of them I would not be able finish in time, so I decided to create another gameplay experiment, which is simply called Growth.

In this little game, you must out-grow your enemy. The exact meaning, however, is up to your imagination. The purpose was to test a new game mechanic, where you control your "colony" by planting seeds and letting it grow by itself. The enemy AI is trying the same, but it's not very smart :P. The goal is to have more area covered by your colony when the game ends. The game is over when the whole area is occupied.

Growth (May 2013)

Play here: Link

I also started to run my own web server on a Raspberry Pi (first link), on which I will soon host a new website dedicated to my games. The previous links are still valid and probably remain that way, but if I don't have any major issues with the hosting, I will only place the new games on my own server but I will keep updating my progress on this blog as well.


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